Friday, April 5, 2013

Change to Bike Training Needed

On a good note, I completed my longest ride: 31.6 miles. It was a group ride (beginner, no-drop) which was good, because otherwise I wouldn't have pushed myself as much.  There were rolling hills and a headwind at the beginning.  Overall, it was hard and I couldn't sustain any sort of speed... especially on the uphills. There were some hills where I was barely going 7 mph per my GPS. I was definitely the slowest in the group. We averaged a pokey 14.75 mph.

Since I've started this journey to triathlon, I've seen dramatic improvement in both running and swimming, but only a minor increase in biking ability. The first time I did a 6.2 mile TT in late January, it was 23:05 (16.2 mph) and last Sunday it dropped to 21:45 (17.2 mph). So there has been some improvement over a short distance, but it hasn't transferred to a longer distance. From the ride today, my peak 60 minutes was 15.5 mph.... so I will likely be one of the last at the CB&I tri on the bike (it is a 15 mile ride).

I think part of the problem is most of my rides are in the morning in the neighborhood.  There are frequent stop signs or lights which interrupts a sustained workout. Its been over four months since I bought my bike,and I've gone for over 40 rides, but less than 10 have them have involved lasting sustained workout without interruption from frequent stops. During the week, I workout and 5 am so its too early and I don't have enough time to go over to a bike trail. Only during the weekend may I have sufficient time to hit the bike trail.

I think there are a few options:
  1. Get a trainer - recommend by a coach but its another $340
  2. Attend spin class - recommended by a friend but another $70/month for the YMCA
  3. There are a couple loops in the neighborhood where I can go round and round with only a brief slowdown. One loop is 1/2 mile and the other is 1 mile. It would get boring, but perhaps not as boring as a trainer or a spin bike.
Being out on the road was a must at the beginning because I really needed to relearn bike handling skills. While I am not great, I have come along way, so I could alternate getting outside with a trainer. I think #1 or #2 would be a must if I tried for a half-Ironman. However, I think I will try #3 at first. I need a break on spending money and I still like getting outside. 

More on the upside. It did give me confidence that I could do an Olympic distance... not well, but finish.

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