Thursday, August 30, 2012

Visions of Grandeur (a Triathlon)

I’ve been on my eat healthy and exercise kick for about 3 weeks now, which means it’s the longest stretch of exercise and eating healthy. I weighed in at 210.7 lbs today, so that is a loss of almost 7 pounds in 3 weeks. I think I want to try to run the Turkey Trot, a 5K on Thanksgiving Day, which is 12 weeks away. It’s far enough away to get in shape, but close enough that to stay motivated.

I’m having visions of grandeur about running a triathlon. I’m a fairly decent swimmer if I can get my stamina up. I would also need to completely learn everything about riding a bike as I have not done that since I was about 15. Anyway, I think I need to do at least two 5Ks before I even consider adding an event. Then perhaps do a swim / run event. Given the cost of getting a bike and related gear, I want to make sure that this isn’t a flash in the pan.

I have been suffering from some shin splits, which has been my nemesis in the past. I never get passed them and always quit. I decided to research shin splits and how to get rid of them. That led me to article and YouTube. I’ve realized I’ve done a lot of things wrong.  

These videos were the most helpful:

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

New Lifestyle Change

I started my kick to lose weight about 2 weeks ago. I weighed 217.6 lbs and many of my size 36 pants were getting very tight. I didn't want the shame of having to buy larger pants, so I started watching what I eat. The changes were rather simple: no more "large" sizes at lunch plus very small dinners.

Back in 2003, I was about 212 pounds and I lost about 25 lbs through  a simple "Eat Less, Walk More" type diet. It wasn't a formal plan, just keeping in mind "calories in vs. calories out." Slowly since 2008, I gained it all back and then some. The really killer, was the birth of my son in December, who slept very poorly. I compensated my lack of sleep by eating.

I'm not viewing my diet as a diet, but a lifestyle change. I want to be a Dad that is fit and healthy. I don't want to have to need bypass surgery. Weight loss is a goal, but I think it will come off naturally if I eat healthy.

About a week ago, I started walking / running. I really don't like running, but it is an activity that I can get out of my house and do immediately. Despite that I don't like running, I hate gyms more. I don't like treadmills because it is too easy to quit. One time, I decided to run a mile and to see how long that took: 12:33. So it is up to me to improve on that.