Monday, October 29, 2012

First 5k!!!

Hell yeah! I finished my first 5k in a time beyond my wildest expectations – 29:21 (a 9:28 min/mi pace). The course on Allen Parkway has a big steep hill at the end. When I came up and saw the finish line I saw the clock. I forgot that the chip discounts the time it takes for you to get across the starting line, so I saw the clock counting up towards 30 minutes and I knew I could make it. I think my gun time was 29:58 or something. My time was about 3 minutes shorter than my practice run on Wednesday, so I still can’t believe it. Of course, I was beyond exhausted crossing the finish line and I heaved a little.

Since it was Halloween-time, some people were in costume. I got passed by a ketchup bottle so I didn’t think it was going all that well. I crossed the line at the same time as a guy in a Gumby suit. My friend thought his time would be at about 37 minutes, but he was faster than me.

I went running again this morning, but only 1.8 miles. My calves are sore (not a strain, but combination of the new shoes and the uphill run on Saturday.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Final Training Run!

Final training run before my 5k! I ran 3 miles this morning (my first)! My original plan was to take it slow and at a pace I could sustain without hating the run. Time didn’t matter, just completing the run. Well I did and I still had a time (10:39 min/mi pace) that I was quite happy with. When I was finishing I felt like I could have continued without much trouble. It’s gotta be the shoes? In the 10 ½ weeks since I started, I have done 34 training runs (plus two swims).  

I’ve been thing about a game plan for Saturday. I think I will maintain that modest pace for the first half of the race and then perhaps pick up the pace for the 2nd half. I remember from college that running a semi-fast pace throughout yields a better time than going slow and sprinting the end.

To make my morning better, I also weighed in a 199.9 lbs. Now, I just need to do some pushups tomorrow. I missed Tuesday’s upper body exercise day.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Stomach Bugs Stink

I caught a stomach bug over the weekend. I was largely feeling better yesterday afternoon, albeit a bit lethargic, I decided to run this morning. It was hot and gross and I wasn’t feeling 100%, but I suffered through and ran 2 miles, but resulted in a surprisingly reasonable time (10:46 pace). If I didn’t run today, my wife would want to go tomorrow (she started running a few weeks ago), and that would only leave me with Wednesday to run prior to my 5K on Saturday.

I bought some heel inserts and focused more on forefoot running, so I feel better in that area. My legs don’t seem to be as sore today as with my other shoes given the forefoot padding that the Newton’s provide.  I haven’t run a full 3 miles yet, so I should on Wednesday if I feel better. I imagine that having the crowds and other runners will greatly help my performance.  

Saturday, October 20, 2012

2nd Swim - No Better

I swam again yesterday. Finding time to get to a pool has been difficult. My new goggles helped to save my eyes, but I didn’t have any better time, despite my improved endurance from running and my pushup regimen. I swam more laps freestyle (4 backstroke versus 9 in 500 yds), but some of my freestyle were forced and slow when I was out of breath. I sucked ass on the turns - the timing would be poor and I would end up losing air and then gasping for it on the way back. The stopping and turn, just kills my rhythm. I feel like I could swim 2 min/100m if my endurance improves and I didn’t have to deal with turns. If I am out of breath, it is probably better to switch to backstroke, catch my breath, and then continue, instead of going super slow at freestyle.

Friday, October 19, 2012

My New Shoes - Newton Gravity

So I got my new shoes! I got a pair of Newton Gravity. Newton is rather new company, but their shoes have been designed around forefoot running. Forefoot running has really reduced my shin splits and other joint pains. However, my old shoes had no padding under my forefoot, so my legs would still feel the impact of landing on asphalt with minimal cushioning. Newton shoes put the padding under the forefoot instead of on the heal like most shoes. They aren't minimalst shoes that mimic barefoot runners. (Barefoot running trend also requires running on the forefoot)

They feel good, but they remind you went your form falls apart. You can feel the impact on landing on your heels. I also think I was overextending (due to being tired and trying to stretch my stride) is a cause of some leg paid. My heels hurt later, so I’m going to have to be more careful. However, the cushion on my forefoot felt good as well. I only ran a mile as recommend. Given my heel pain, I can see why.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

How I learned to stop worrying about time and love the run

I ran my 2.5 miles at my slowest pace yet today (11:16 pace). Recently this has caused my consternation: I would hate trying to run faster, but then kick myself for “not trying hard” afterwards. Today I didn’t care as much – just finish the run without quitting and enjoy it a little more. As long as I am running, my heartbeat is elevated and endurance is building. I can give it 110%  on race day. I also felt I could have gone longer than the 2.5 miles, so that is good news for my next run.

I am about to buy new running shoes. Given that my current shoes are about 7 years old, I think I am due. While these shoes haven’t gotten a lot of usage, the rubber is likely worn and they have minimal padding under the forefoot (where I’ve been running). I want to take them running on the 5k and I think I should have enough training runs to break them in. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Last 1/2 Mile

Another 2.5 mile run in the books (my 5th), but going to 3 miles seems daunting. I think part of it is mental. Part of my brain was contemplating quitting and walking, but I realized, I wasn’t out of breath, my legs didn’t really hurt. There was just no excuse. It does highlight the benefit of running outdoors versus a treadmill. I still had to get back home and it would have only taken much longer had I walked. I have four more practice runs before the 5K. I haven’t really seen much improvement over the last several runs. I did run slower than Saturday, but my knee hurt a little at the start. I’ve read to cut training by 30%-50% every 4th or 5th week, and I think I am due.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

It's Only Running from Here On Out

The Couch to 5K program ends walking/running when the longest run segment is one mile. This of course, doesn't count walking in warmup or cooldown. I decided to try to modify that and run two sets of 1 ¼ miles with a ½ mile walk in between, with the idea of slowly shrinking that 1/2 mile walk. 

I ran the 1 1/4 mile well, but I stopped to walk, I broke a decent rhythm that was tough to get back into when I started running again. So it’ll be back to a straight 2.5 mile run and then I’ll build from there.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Two and a Half Miles

I signed up for a 5K on October 27th .  I discovered a friend of mine has also started running back in July. He was signed up for this 5k, his first as well. It is earlier than I expected, but I think I can do it.

Yesterday, I ran 2.5 miles in 27:11, so a 10:56 pace.  I have 8 training days until then. Seven training days prior, I ran 1.7 miles at a 11:58 pace, so I figure I could at least do the 5K in under 34 minutes (10:56 pace). My minimum goal for the Turkey Trot is 32 minutes (10:18 pace), but my stretch goal is under 30 minutes (9:39 pace). I have 11-12 training sessions in between the 5Ks.