Thursday, January 10, 2013

Swim Plan

I found the Couch-to-5k program quite helpful in laying out a path to get to a 5k by race day. I am trying to develop a plan to get me ready for my tri. I don't know of a "Couch to 500 meter swim" do I've been trying to put together a similar plan that will take me from where I am at now to doing the triathlon. Having a plan in place eases anxiety that I will get to where

My overall  goal is to be able to do much more than the specific distance in each segment. If I can swim 1,000 meters, then 500 meters will seem short and I will be in good shape for the bike.

The first time I tried to swim 550 yards (close to 500 meters) was back in October. I did 22 laps in the pool, 5 being backstroke due to being out of breath. I finished in a pokey 15:53.  Since discovering a nearby pool in December, I have been able to go five times, but have been working on my form. Today, I just finished a 600 yard swim it in 13:50 (the first 550 yards was in 12:46), although I had to do 6 laps backstroke. The backstorke seems to involve the legs much more, so next time I will include the breaststroke if I need to "rest." The breaststroke also would be better to use in actual open water swimming because it is could be good for sighting.

My lowest time for 100 yards is 1:58 and this was my first split in today's long swim. If I could maintain that pace, then I could reduce my 500 meter time to 10:45.

The Plan
Usually, I only bike or run on alternating days, so I hit the pool my off-running/biking days. This is usually  two or three times a week. Split the time between working on endurance and working on form. Lean more heavily towards form in January and February, and then do more endurance work as race time approaches. Swimming for form would include 100 yard swims and drills. Endurance work would be swimming at least 550 yards, no matter what strokes I need to get there.

I essentially have 15 good weeks of training left, so at least 30 more swims (and 30 more bike rides). My entire couch-to-5k prior to my first 5k included 34 runs.

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