Friday, October 19, 2012

My New Shoes - Newton Gravity

So I got my new shoes! I got a pair of Newton Gravity. Newton is rather new company, but their shoes have been designed around forefoot running. Forefoot running has really reduced my shin splits and other joint pains. However, my old shoes had no padding under my forefoot, so my legs would still feel the impact of landing on asphalt with minimal cushioning. Newton shoes put the padding under the forefoot instead of on the heal like most shoes. They aren't minimalst shoes that mimic barefoot runners. (Barefoot running trend also requires running on the forefoot)

They feel good, but they remind you went your form falls apart. You can feel the impact on landing on your heels. I also think I was overextending (due to being tired and trying to stretch my stride) is a cause of some leg paid. My heels hurt later, so I’m going to have to be more careful. However, the cushion on my forefoot felt good as well. I only ran a mile as recommend. Given my heel pain, I can see why.

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